Special free EcoFocus screening of the award-winning documentary
THE BURDEN: FOSSIL FUEL, THE MILITARY, AND NATIONAL SECURITY at Ciné on Monday, December 5th. THE BURDEN tells the story of fossil fuel dependence as America’s greatest long-term national security threat, and highlights the role of the U.S. military in leading the transition to clean energy. Gather in the Ciné lobby at 7pm; film starts at 7:30 p.m. followed by a panel discussion.
This event is presented by EcoFocus Film Festival and the Odum School of Ecology, and is sponsored by the UGA Center for Integrative Conservation Research as part of the
2016 Sustainability Summit, a free day-long event at UGA on December 6th.
THE BURDEN has been featured at several film festivals and won multiple awards, including the Best of Festival Award at the 2016 Wild and Scenic Film Festival and the Audience Award for Best Feature Documentary at the 2015 Long Beach International Film Festival.
This event is FREE; admission is on a first-come, first-served basis.